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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Terry McMillan Sorta Apologizes To Will & Jada

Terry McMillan

Author Terry McMillan caught some flack for a series of posts she made on Twitter in regards to her opinion that Will Smith & Jada Pinkett-Smith were “pimping and exploiting” their children Willow and Jaden. She issued a quasi-apology earlier today on the social network.
In her apology, McMillan only showed remorse for her word choice and not the sentiment that Will & Jada were using their children.
I apologize for using the word pimp and exploit in referring to the Smith children. It was insensitive of me and wrong.
Twitter is not the best forum to express some things. I didn’t know folks would take my opinion so personally.
It is amazing, though, how fast an unflattering comment gets retweeted versus one that’s flattering.
I’m done with this issue. My opinion isn’t going to change anything.
There are a lot more important things going on in the world right now.
My Mama used to say: “They’ll talk about you if you do. And talk about you if you don’t. Let ‘em talk.”
Some folks look for a reason to criticize you. They’re getting off on it and are saying much worse things than I did.
I’ve got work to do. I hope everybody who has something important to do today besides worry about the Smith children, does it.
And for those of you who were so offended by what I said or thought I was being disrespectful, unfollow me.
So, I’m on blast? Too bad when I talk about what’s happening in the government, the GOP, racism, love, etc., doesn”t go viral.

1 comment:

  1. I admire Will & Jada!!!
    Their kids will survive & thrive!!!
